The University of Edinburgh embarked on another phase of redundant resource management throughout the undergraduate campus at the end of the 2023 academic year.
The University of Edinburgh in collaboration with EUSA set new benchmarks during the 2023 decant process, earmarking 985kg of resources for redistribution via the freshers week Free Shop - up 53% from 2022.
Lessons learned from 2022 during the decant/sorting process and the Free Shop event indicated that there was scope and demand to grow the operation to expand the throughput of resources available to students during the Free Shop event. EUSA would once again lean on their network of volunteers from the student populous and the various teams of university staff to provide the people power to process and sort resources in multiple accommodation sites across campus.
985kg of resources were set aside for internal redistribution. Goods will flow back through the university populous via the Free Shop set to take place during freshers week, September 2023.
The volume of resources left by students superseded the volume of resources able to be processed via the Free Shop due to various logistical constraints during the freshers week event. These resources were sorted and processed by EUSA/Bright Green Environmental Solutions for external redistribution via Recreate Scotland's Zero Cost network.