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The Rusacks Hotel x Zenith Ltd...

Updated: Mar 7

The Rusacks Hotel, St Andrews, the sought after playground for golfers worldwide adds a Recreate Certification to its wall of champions.

Zenith Ltd achieved a 96% reuse statistic for redundant FF+E during the refurbishment of the Field and Lawn Resorts Hotel.

This Rusacks Hotel - an ode to discovery; A love letter to live lived on the borderlands. Situated overlooking the Old Course, St Andrews, this hotel was to undertake a full renovation of guestrooms, lounge and dining areas in early 2020. Zenith Ltd - a Recreate Certified Gold member - won the task of managing this project.

Zenith Ltd were keen to regulate the carbon footprint associated with the FF+E decommissioning process on this project. In accordance with Recreate Certified's reuse standards and protocols, Andrew Yapp (Director.) and Steve Chilvers (Contracts/Project Manager) were keen to set sustainability and carbon diversion benchmarks for their client via the implementation of a resource reuse commitment managed by Recreate Scotland and accredited by Recreate Certified.

Reuse was the priority for all redundant FF+E from this site as the project achieved a reuse high of 96% with 922 individual resources successfully being recirculated via 1st generation reuse protocols.

"Recreating our management protocols for the decommissioning and disposal of FF+E on our sites was long overdue. Reuse had to be the priority and will be henceforth."

- Andrew Yapp, Director (Zenith Ltd)

What does this mean? In short, 922 resources that traditionally would have been destined for landfill/recycling have avoided this fate. Instead, these resources filtered through Recreate Scotland's zero cost circular economy frameworks.


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